Pieces Of You Tablo English Pdf

타블로 - 당신의 조각들 (영문판) 타블로가 보물처럼 품어온 젊은 날의 비밀과 흥분을 써내려간 그때 그 시절의 원문!! 이번에 출간된 영문판은 번역과정에서 일부 살리지 못한 타블로만의 번뜩이는 문장과 분위기를 있는 그대로 담아냈다. 번역이 아닌 그가 쓴 영문 그대로를 통해 그의 세계를 더욱 자세히 들여다보고 싶어 했던 독자들의 열망으로 탄생하게 되었다. 이번 영문판에는 「스트로베리 필즈 포에버」 「휴식」 「쥐」 「우리들 세상의 벽」 「안단테」 등『당신의 조각들』에 등장하는 소설 10편이 모두 실려 있다. 그러나 사진을 빼내고 삽화를 넣어 또다른 느낌의 한 권의 책이 탄생했다. 힙합그룹 '에픽하이'의 멤버 겸 리더. 1980년에 태어난 그는 인도네시아, 스위스, 홍콩 등지에서 어린 시절을 보냈다.

BLONOTE Book English Edition + Limited English Mini CD by TABLO From Epik High Kpop Hiphop 블로노트 타블로. ― Tablo, Pieces of You. Read Online Now pieces of you tablo Ebook PDF at our Library. Get pieces of you tablo PDF file for free from our online library PDF File: pieces of you tablo.

고등학교 재학 시절에는 폐간된 교내 문학잡지 「망원경」을 되살려 편집장으로 활동했고, 스탠포드 대학에서는 작가 토비아스 울프가 지휘하는 창작문예/영문학과를 최우수로 졸업했다. 영문학으로 석사학위를 받았으며 대학 안과 밖에서 연극연출 문학잡지 단편영화 등의 다양한 활동을 했다. 뉴욕에서 독립영화 조감독으로 활동하던 시절, 할렘에서의 생활을 계기로 음악을 시작했다. 2003년 1집 앨범 Map Of The Human Soul로 데뷔한 '에픽하이'는 2005년에 Mnet KM 뮤직비디오 페스티벌 힙합부문상, 제20회 골든디스크상 힙합상, KBS 가요대상 올해의 가수상, SBS 가요대전 힙합부문상 등을 휩쓸고 2006년 MBC 연기대상 라디오부문 우수상, 2007년 제22회 골든디스크상 디스크 부문 본상, 2008년 제5회 대중음악상 최우수힙합앨범상을 수상하는 등, 현재 국내 힙합씬에서 가장 성공한 힙합그룹이다.

리더를 맡고 있는 타블로는 에픽하이에서 작사 및 작곡, 랩 등을 맡고 있다. 현재는 MBC FM4U 「타블로의 꿈꾸는 라디오」의 DJ로 활동하며 거침없는 언변과 자신만의 색깔로 ‘타블로 월드’를 구축해가고 있다. Interesting Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 I love how Tablo's mind is a bit dark yet it feels wide. Each story can have a different lesson or meaning to the reader and it's great because somehow as someone going through struggles in finding where I wanna be and what I want to do with my life, it's solace. That silent comfort from reading a story or two and realising everyone goes through a few mishaps what matters is how you react to them; either you make it break you or use it as a lesson to better yourself.

2 people found this review helpful Let's get real here. Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 I see some of the reviews on here complaining that the book is bleak and depressing; here's the thing - life is not a dance on rose petals. Tablo - like any other human being on this planet - has been through hardhips. Some people paint to deal with their problems, some people dance and some people go for a run - Tablo writes. When I'm really bothered by something, I write too and maybe that's why I absolutely love this book. It's not a self-biography - far from - however, it does give you small glimpses into the artist that is Tablo.

By that, I don't mean that it tells you how tall he is or where he prefers to go for lunch - no, it's far more complex than that. Tablo is an artist. You need to keep that in mind. I don't really get what some of these fans in the reviews section were expecting - this book was never promoted as an autobiography or anything like that. It says 'Pieces of You' not 'Pictures of Tablo's perfect life in the Narnia of Kpop'. This is a lovely collection of little odd short stories.

I love this book and find it to be worth every single penny. However, if you're expecting a book of paragraph after paragraph about how Tablo is SOOO thankful to all his fans and SOOO happy about life all the time - don't get this book. Get it because you like the ARTIST Tablo. Because you like the HUMAN Tablo. Not the 'ideal kpop idol'-Tablo ^^)/.

2 people found this review helpful The best! Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 I am huge english literature fan and obviously, a Tablo fan too so I had to buy this. And I am more than pleased. The design is really simple but that makes it even prettier I think.

It's hardcover and the binder feels really soft, kind of vellum-like. I really like that 'pieces of you' is written with a copper-gold-like colour and that it's a bit shiny.

The first two and last two pages are set in sepia (it's gold on first glance but no, it's actually sepia.) and contain a short but really pretty poem and Tablo's signature. The cover has, on the inside, a small biography of Tablo (which is normal for books but I still thought it was nice) When reading, you might stumble across black-and-white illustrations every here and then, normally fitting t the story and the line spacing is quite huge so it's easy and comfortable to read (only 16 lines per page). The book also has a black bookmark attached in the middle (a string, nice and simple, fitting to the design) The stories itselfs are hard to describe, they're just deep and really beautiful. Whoever liked Epik High and Tablo's lyrics might as well like this.

The only negative thing I have to say, is that the binder shifs quite a lot (which is the reason why I normally take them off from the beginning, but this is just too beautiful!) and it's edges curve easily. All in all, I am really, really happy with this! It's something I will read more than twice or thrice!

Review sampled from The stories aren't happy. They seldom end with their characters happy. Instead, you're given deep, insightful & uncensored stories that explore the dark side of human nature - fear, pride, hate, regret.

But along the way you also have characters that learn of the courage it takes to face life. From a son who manages to face his bully-of-a-father, to a young man having a bad drug trip, you're given a handful of such realistic characters with such raw emotio Review sampled from The stories aren't happy. They seldom end with their characters happy. Instead, you're given deep, insightful & uncensored stories that explore the dark side of human nature - fear, pride, hate, regret. But along the way you also have characters that learn of the courage it takes to face life.

From a son who manages to face his bully-of-a-father, to a young man having a bad drug trip, you're given a handful of such realistic characters with such raw emotions, that any one of these people could live off the page & fit seamlessly into our world. After each story, you're left feeling like you need more, & that's really the only downside of the book. On one hand you wish for a proper ending or a clean finish as if it were a normal novel. But on the other hand, these stories reflect real life, & we all know that clean endings aren't always what we're given. So just a little advice: don't go into the book thinking that it'll contain proper stories with beginnings, middles & ends.

Scrap that typical formula out of your mind, & just enjoy the book for what it is. When I first looked at this book my friend was fangirling over, I just rolled my eyes and thought, just because its related to korean music and all that she wants to read it. I admit, I too was excited that she would be buying this book, reading it and was willing to lend it to me. The one thing I didn't expect: It was WAY better than I thought it would be. The stories are dark, cold and they give an even stronger look at people in the real world, unlike other books where the authors either over When I first looked at this book my friend was fangirling over, I just rolled my eyes and thought, just because its related to korean music and all that she wants to read it. I admit, I too was excited that she would be buying this book, reading it and was willing to lend it to me.

The one thing I didn't expect: It was WAY better than I thought it would be. The stories are dark, cold and they give an even stronger look at people in the real world, unlike other books where the authors either over exaggerate or their characters are just too fake. It shocked me, it just.I really don't know how to describe or feel about this book really.

Cold, lonely, sad, harsh, the words in this book just pull you into the story so strong you could almost feel the same atmosphere and smell the cigarette smoke. Every semblance of writing, whatever form it chooses to present itself in, has some broader purpose/s. This broader purpose is displayed by the author's choice and use of language, often represented though various figurative and rhetorical devices.

Sometimes, when a novel or written piece exhibits an exceptional importance, I make an effort to analyze the linguistic skills employed by the author to give it that flare, that depth. Perhaps the most successful of attempt of this art that I have wit Every semblance of writing, whatever form it chooses to present itself in, has some broader purpose/s.

This broader purpose is displayed by the author's choice and use of language, often represented though various figurative and rhetorical devices. Sometimes, when a novel or written piece exhibits an exceptional importance, I make an effort to analyze the linguistic skills employed by the author to give it that flare, that depth. Perhaps the most successful of attempt of this art that I have witnessed from an author's writing would have to be 'Pieces of You', a collection of short stories written by a foreign musician, Tablo. The stories themselves are utterly uncomplicated, but dark.They are devoid of any groundbreaking twists or moments of earth shattering shock. Yet, the simplicity of the stories is the primary cause as to why they are relatable. They are ordinary, albeit depressing, situations that can occur with any individual, and that is the harsh beauty that lies underneath the veil.

They are real. They exude the loneliness and emptiness of life with their every word. We, alongside the struggles of humankind, are mirrored in the text. Now, what is the impact of Tablo's language in 'Pieces of You'? In terms of diction, I have noticed the way that Tablo demonstrates vulgarity in the speech of the several characters in the collection, whether it be in their personal thoughts or through exchanges in conversations.Though it may seem unecessary, there is a succint reason as to why Tablo decides to do this.

It's harsh, like the environment that all these characters are placed in, that Tablo himself was and is apart of. The vulgarity is not meant to arise distate, but is meant to show reality in its most brutal shape. Gold is not found in every corner; Not everything is as beautiful as it seems.

The language of the characters displays their flaws, and perhaps, is reflective of our own. However, Tablo brilliantly establishes ethos in his prose when, aside from the speech of the characters, he displays tender and heartbreaking eloquence. It shows that he is an intelligent and credible author, but is not ignorant of the ways of the world. The author also weaves symbolism into these stories. A prominent symbol that seems to appear in each and every situation is that of music. Music seems to penetrate the ugly and dreadful lives of the characters and provide them with a shining solace. It becomes hope for the tortured son in 'Adante', when he absorbs the brilliance of the piano and believes the talent that has faded will return to his father's fingers if he waits.

It transforms into an escape for Mike in 'Counting Pulses', in which only the sound of his fragile mother's voice can lull him to sleep. Tablo desires to show the significance music, in it's ability to supply positive feelings within the empty souls of these characters, and the brutality of reality can be broken and an illusion of peace can be created when they meld themselves with the music, if only for a few minutes or hours. It saves them. Futhermore, imagery plays an evident role in this masterful collection that contrats but aids the overall purpose of it.Many of the instances could have been easily delved out without much effort, but Tablo chooses to wonderfully describe the scenery, such as when he refers to the glowing street as a 'nocturnal theater coming to life only for those who watched intently'(Tablo 62).

These descriptions are not only meant to arouse emotions, but also emphasize how we, as a people, tend to overlook simplistic, everyday beauty. It is true that life scathes us, makes us suffer, and pains us.

Just as the characters are consumed by their own issues, so too are we. Yet, we forget to appreciate what surrounds us. To shove away from all the pessimism in his stories and open the shut eyes of the readers', Tablo exaggerates this message with his use of imagery. I cannot praise this novel enough.

There is loneliness,bitterness,hatefulness, and all the pessimism of the world that we tend to avoid. The characters are hugely flawed and there are no heroes. However, the light of music and the tenderness of nature that Tablo writes of provides hope. In the end, two messages merge into one, singular purpose, that reality is unsatisfying and bitter, but a solace can be found if it is recognized and appreciated. I applaud the author for his efforts, his understanding, and his perfection in the craft of language.

I'll admit, I picked this book up because I'm a fan of Tablo's music. It's a bit superficial, I know, but at the same time if I hadn't known who Tablo was, I never would have picked this book up and I would have been worse for it. Pieces of You is a little rough, more so than anything I've read before, and has a lot of real world darkness that I personally have never experienced.

It was eye-opening. The writing style was very beautiful and sometimes lyrical, full of very visceral senses, and I co I'll admit, I picked this book up because I'm a fan of Tablo's music. It's a bit superficial, I know, but at the same time if I hadn't known who Tablo was, I never would have picked this book up and I would have been worse for it. Pieces of You is a little rough, more so than anything I've read before, and has a lot of real world darkness that I personally have never experienced.

It was eye-opening. The writing style was very beautiful and sometimes lyrical, full of very visceral senses, and I could almost smell the cigarette smoke, almost feel the emotions the characters were feeling. It was very well written. Knowing a little bit about Tablo's past, I was able to get a deeper understanding of him as a person by reading this. Because I'm a writer myself, I know that all writers put a little bit of themselves in their work, whether they know it or not. So to see this tiny glimpse of Tablo's soul was something I'm not going to forget very easily or quickly. All in all it was a fabulous read.

I'm not good at writing reviews- so please excuse me. I picked up this book in all honesty because I'm a fan of Tablo's music. I was curious. I know he has several degrees from Stanford, and I'm not ashamed to say I've got a slight case of hero worship when it comes to him- but I'm still harsh when it comes to books.

I can't help it. I'm a 20- something with a penchant for video games and a case of ADD. (Not to sell myself short intellectually, but that's just how it is. I get bored easily.) Thi I'm not good at writing reviews- so please excuse me. I picked up this book in all honesty because I'm a fan of Tablo's music. I was curious. I know he has several degrees from Stanford, and I'm not ashamed to say I've got a slight case of hero worship when it comes to him- but I'm still harsh when it comes to books.

I can't help it. I'm a 20- something with a penchant for video games and a case of ADD. (Not to sell myself short intellectually, but that's just how it is. I get bored easily.) This book grabbed my attention from the first story and kept it, because often the short stories were cleverly interconnected, which I LOVED. Tablo explored so many emotions of youth in this short book- I was amazed at how many of them tugged at my heart-strings. I'll be loaning this one out to friends as soon as possible.

I purchased the book in Korea and it was shrink-wrapped so I couldn't even preview it. Turns out that the text is pretty big and the lines are spaced out really far apart so it was actually a really quick read. The thing is, I was expecting more because it looked thicker than it really was. The actual stories are okay. I don't know if it's because of some pre-conceived notions I have towards Tablo but most of the stories aren't that memorable I guess. I'd say if you can borrow it from someone go I purchased the book in Korea and it was shrink-wrapped so I couldn't even preview it. Turns out that the text is pretty big and the lines are spaced out really far apart so it was actually a really quick read.

The thing is, I was expecting more because it looked thicker than it really was. The actual stories are okay. I don't know if it's because of some pre-conceived notions I have towards Tablo but most of the stories aren't that memorable I guess. I'd say if you can borrow it from someone go ahead but I wouldn't really buy it. Too expensive for such a flimsy collection of short stories. Edit: And I think if he is really serious about writing, he needs to keep doing it (not just writing song lyrics).

It's a novelty reading a book by a musician like Tablo but it doesn't feel like anything substantial. Gue suka ilustrasi hitam putih di buku ini.

Ada tiga momen yang melekat di otak gue: 1. Dialog ayah (pengidap Alzheimer) dan anaknya di cerpen Adante. Keduanya yang berprofesi sebagai pianis, berbinvang tentang apa yang didengar. Dialog Jeonsuk dan pacarnya di cerpen Hate Crime. Jeonsuk yang merupakan Korea-Amerika merasa kesal karena pacarnya menyamaratakan semua orang asia dari negara manapun sama saja. Adegan Jacob bunuh diri dalam cerpen Coupe de Grace.

Pieces Of You Tablo Pdf

Membuktikan pada ayahnya yang delusi Gue suka ilustrasi hitam putih di buku ini. Ada tiga momen yang melekat di otak gue: 1. Dialog ayah (pengidap Alzheimer) dan anaknya di cerpen Adante. Keduanya yang berprofesi sebagai pianis, berbinvang tentang apa yang didengar. Dialog Jeonsuk dan pacarnya di cerpen Hate Crime. Jeonsuk yang merupakan Korea-Amerika merasa kesal karena pacarnya menyamaratakan semua orang asia dari negara manapun sama saja.

Adegan Jacob bunuh diri dalam cerpen Coupe de Grace. Membuktikan pada ayahnya yang delusi dan kasar bahwa dirinya bukanlah seorang pengecut. Tentang Lelaki Dingin Bahkan mata kita pun tak beradu -saat itu- Di Toko Merah. Berlanjut di sebuah pojok -saat itu- entah apa yang ada di pikiranmu, bintang, lampu ataukah petir yang tiba-tiba berkilat di kepalamu sehingga kau mengingatku. Dingin kau bilang.

Wah, aku pernah seperti itu -Dingin- Sepi kau bilang. Wah, aku mulai serius. Kemudian kau memulai cerita pengembaraanmu, pertemuanmu dengan wanita perkasa dari negeri dingin, tiba-tiba kau melompat ke seorang parasit yang aku hanya sebatas t Tentang Lelaki Dingin Bahkan mata kita pun tak beradu -saat itu- Di Toko Merah. Berlanjut di sebuah pojok -saat itu- entah apa yang ada di pikiranmu, bintang, lampu ataukah petir yang tiba-tiba berkilat di kepalamu sehingga kau mengingatku. Dingin kau bilang.

Wah, aku pernah seperti itu -Dingin- Sepi kau bilang. Wah, aku mulai serius.

Kemudian kau memulai cerita pengembaraanmu, pertemuanmu dengan wanita perkasa dari negeri dingin, tiba-tiba kau melompat ke seorang parasit yang aku hanya sebatas tahu, lalu kembali kau ceritakan gambar-gambar menyeramkan yang kau lihat pada suatu siang, juga kenangan orang-orang tercintamu. Dasar Kutu Loncat! Ternyata kita jauh, heh! Hot Green Tea Latte. Minuman hijau itu begitu dekat dan hangat menyeruak tiba-tiba. Dan hey, kau tertawa -bingung- Entah apa yang membuatmu tergelak.

Sepertinya kau sudah merasa dekat dan hangat. Dan aku pun bercerita padamu mengenai Buku Hitam yang datang dari musim yang putih. Saat kusentuh -dingin- kubaca dalam kelam dan kehampaan. Gelap kesan yang kutangkap, terlalu banyak kesedihan, keputusasaan dan kekacauan hidup. Padahal kau tahu, aku membacanya di tengah keramaian musik, hingar-bingar pesta, mobil lalu lalang, orang-orang yang saling berteriak bahkan kicau burung pagi hari di pinggir jendela.

Dan hey, aku menemukan temaram lilin 'I wish I never had to Stop' di akhir cerita -hangat- Hey kau, Lelaki Dingin! Sebelumnya jangan besar kepala, aku hanya ingin berbagi cerita tentang dirimu 'Pieces of You'. Kau tidak dingin, tidak pula sepi. Kau hanya jauh -jauh- a long time ago remembering someone in somewhere -roos 01/11/11 Baca Bareng ma Echa, baru buka plastiknya euy dan ada puisinya pula.hehehe.

Ehhhmmm keren juga.cantumin ah. My heart was closed. I was self-conscious and cynical. There are the pieces of my youth, the small secret and the not-so-great expectations that defined my coming of age. But through the craft, through my love for writing, I discovered a world outside of the small windowless one I had built for myself. A world of softspoken beauty. So here I am, choosing to kick away the ladder so that I may remain at your side.

I understand your solitude I see your shadow. Feb, Tablo Kiriman dari Elang Autis.hehehe. Read more in: Awalnya saya tidak tahu kalau Tablo menulis sebuah buku. Saya mendengarkan musik-musiknya belakangan ini sejak Tablo muncul di sebuah reality show bertajuk Superman Returns bersama putrinya, Haru.

Sampai akhirnya saya iseng mencari keyword Haru karena sedang mencari buku terbitan penerbit Haru. Dan, buku Pieces of You adalah salah satu buku yang muncul di hasil pencarian! What a coincidence! Ternyata, salah satu teman saya di Goodreads sudah Read more in: Awalnya saya tidak tahu kalau Tablo menulis sebuah buku. Saya mendengarkan musik-musiknya belakangan ini sejak Tablo muncul di sebuah reality show bertajuk Superman Returns bersama putrinya, Haru. Sampai akhirnya saya iseng mencari keyword Haru karena sedang mencari buku terbitan penerbit Haru. Dan, buku Pieces of You adalah salah satu buku yang muncul di hasil pencarian!

What a coincidence! Ternyata, salah satu teman saya di Goodreads sudah membaca terjemahan buku ini. Saya pun penasaran seperti apa hasil tulisan Tablo. Pieces of You. Seperti judulnya, buku ini terdiri dari sepuluh cerpen yang menceritakan kegalauan masa muda, Beberapa potert kehidupan kita tersaji dalam kisah-kisah karya Tablo ini. Berikut kesepuluh kisah ini. Semua kisah dalam buku Pieces of You ini memiliki aura melankolis dan depresi.

Endingnya pun semuanya tidak menyenangkan. Berdasarkan tanggal yang tercantum di bawah judul, sepertinya Tablo menulis kisah-kisah ini ketika dia sedang ada di Amerika Serikat, menuntut ilmu di Stratford. Hal ini membuat saya bertanya-tanya apakah kisah-kisah ini terinspirasi dari hidupnya selama di Amerika Serikat atau hidup orang-orang di sekitarnya dulu.

Bahasa yang disajikan pun sederhana namun tetap bernapaskan high-literature class. Mungkin ini berhubungan dengan latar belakangnya semasa remaja ketika dia menghidupkan kembali majalah kesusasteraan sekolah yang sempat punah, Kaleidoscope, dan bertindak sebagai Pemimpin Redaksi.

Saya belum membaca versi bahasa Inggrisnya. Jadi, saya tidak mau membandingkan terjemahannya. Namun, sebagai pembaca, saya cukup terkesan dengan penerjemahnya, Meda Satrio, karena tetap mempertahankan napas sastra buku ini. Buku ini saya rekomendasikan untuk kalian yang ingin membaca kisah yang berbeda, untuk kalian yang sedang galau dengan masa muda kalian, juga untuk kalian penggemar karya-karya Tablo.:). My heart was closed. I was self-conscious and cynical. There are the pieces of my youth, the small secret and the not-so-great expectations that defined my coming of age.

But through the craft, through my love for writing, I discovered a world outside of the small windowless one I had built for myself. A world of softspoken beauty. So here I am, choosing to kick away the ladder so that I may remain at your side. I understand your solitude I see your shadow. Feb, Tablo Jujur aja baca ini bikin aku My heart was closed.

I was self-conscious and cynical. There are the pieces of my youth, the small secret and the not-so-great expectations that defined my coming of age.

But through the craft, through my love for writing, I discovered a world outside of the small windowless one I had built for myself. A world of softspoken beauty. So here I am, choosing to kick away the ladder so that I may remain at your side. I understand your solitude I see your shadow.

Feb, Tablo Jujur aja baca ini bikin aku mikir. Hahaha soalnya bahasa Inggrisnya bikin gak ngerti. Terpaku dan diam. Entah apa yang harus saya tulis untuk menggambarkan cerita-cerita dalam buku ini.

Cerita-ceritanya nya terlalu mengejutkan untuk saya, menghempaskan saya ke suatu ruang yang saya sendiri tidak tahu ruang seperti apa. Hitam dan Kelam. Saya terus menelusuri kepekatan, terbawa oleh suatu keyakinan akan adanya cahaya dalam kekelaman. Walau itu hanya secercah cahaya.

Secercah cahaya yang membuat saya tersenyum. Kegelapan pasti akan menemukan cahayanya sendiri. Terima kasih untuk mas And Terpaku dan diam. Entah apa yang harus saya tulis untuk menggambarkan cerita-cerita dalam buku ini. Cerita-ceritanya nya terlalu mengejutkan untuk saya, menghempaskan saya ke suatu ruang yang saya sendiri tidak tahu ruang seperti apa. Hitam dan Kelam. Saya terus menelusuri kepekatan, terbawa oleh suatu keyakinan akan adanya cahaya dalam kekelaman.

Walau itu hanya secercah cahaya. Secercah cahaya yang membuat saya tersenyum. Kegelapan pasti akan menemukan cahayanya sendiri. Terima kasih untuk mas Andy yang sudah memberikan buku ini buat saya, saya belajar sesuatu dari buku ini. I actually picked up this book wondering to myself, 'What can a musician of his caliber write? What more in English?' At the time I was having writer's block and had to produce a piece for my Advance Creative Writing class but was definitely in a tight spot.

I never regretted getting the book. The minute I picked it up I couldn't put it down. The book is a compilations of stories which Tablo had written during his college years. The man is not only amazing at composing and writing lyrics but thi I actually picked up this book wondering to myself, 'What can a musician of his caliber write? What more in English?'

At the time I was having writer's block and had to produce a piece for my Advance Creative Writing class but was definitely in a tight spot. I never regretted getting the book. The minute I picked it up I couldn't put it down.

The book is a compilations of stories which Tablo had written during his college years. The man is not only amazing at composing and writing lyrics but this collection of stories proves that he is also quite the story-teller. 'You know,' I say, to break the silence.

'If life were a highway, it would have stop signs.' Mike doesn't turn to look at me. Maybe he can't hear. I don't really care anyway.

'And these stop signs. They're there so you'll stop once in a while to take a break. Maybe have a cigarette or two. And just reflect, you know, just think about all the distance you've crossed. Maybe, just maybe, these stop signs in our lives are good things.' - Finished in one sitting. This book was tolerable.

Not 'You know,' I say, to break the silence. 'If life were a highway, it would have stop signs.'

Pieces Of You Tablo English Pdf

Mike doesn't turn to look at me. Maybe he can't hear. I don't really care anyway. 'And these stop signs. They're there so you'll stop once in a while to take a break. Maybe have a cigarette or two. And just reflect, you know, just think about all the distance you've crossed.

Daniel Armand Lee

Maybe, just maybe, these stop signs in our lives are good things.' - Finished in one sitting. This book was tolerable. Not really that bad but not really that good, something in between. I like how his writings were getting better from 1998 to 2001.

I don't know if the timing above the title was the context of the story or the time he wrote the story but, I can tell, some stories written in 1998 were pretty dull, mostly because of the way he repeated the subject. For instance: ' I woke up on Saturday morning, not in my bed, but in the hallway. I had fallen asleep while watching my father. I was immediately embarrassed, wondering whether or not he had seen me sprawled on the wooden floor. I felt strangely guilty. I rose and scanned the living room - the TV was still on, but the couch was empty.' (Andante, Fall 1998) But anyway, reading this book was such a nice ride.

Even though his writing style was quite simple but the feeling in each stories was no joke. They were gloomy, depressing, and full of grief. So heavy that in a few moment I thought I was lost. 'Hate Crime' was my favourite story.

He touched upon the stereotype of the Westerners that 'All Asians are the same'. I felt quite satisfied after reading it. Because it's true. Conclusion: Nice ride. P/s: Should I buy Blonote or nah? Ada segudang effort ekstra dari gue untuk mendapatkan buku ini.

Mulai dari nekat pengin beli via online di Amazon (tapi dilarang orangtua), dan untungnya gak jadi. Lalu, ingin beli via forum TabloIndonesia juga, tapi ternyata PO-nya udah ditutup, selain itu harganya juga mahal tenan. Well, tapi sepertinya Tuhan tahu kalau gue beneran sangat pengin membaca buku ini, dan voila, tiba-tiba beberapa hari lalu, ada terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia-nya di rak 'new release' Gramedia. Dari awal, kenapa gue pen Ada segudang effort ekstra dari gue untuk mendapatkan buku ini.

Mulai dari nekat pengin beli via online di Amazon (tapi dilarang orangtua), dan untungnya gak jadi. Lalu, ingin beli via forum TabloIndonesia juga, tapi ternyata PO-nya udah ditutup, selain itu harganya juga mahal tenan. Well, tapi sepertinya Tuhan tahu kalau gue beneran sangat pengin membaca buku ini, dan voila, tiba-tiba beberapa hari lalu, ada terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia-nya di rak 'new release' Gramedia. Dari awal, kenapa gue pengin sekali membaca buku ini, bukan lantaran penulisnya Tablo dan ya sih, gue sangat mengagumi masterpiece Tablo di Epik High bersama Mithra Jin dan Tukutz. Tapi, kalau soal urusan menulis, gue juga sempat ragu, apakah Tablo beneran bisa menulis atau nggak, but well, 'Pieces of You' bener-bener membuktikan kalau yang selama ini gue curgiai itu salah besar. Gue sangat suka gaya penulisan Tablo. Terlepas dari kebudayaan Asia yang menjadi asalnya, tapi, kesan New York dan Amerika di 'Pieces of You' terasa sangat kental.

Di dalamnya terdapat sepuluh cerita pendek: 1. Menghitung Denyut 3. Ruang Sempit 6. Segelas Kemenangan 7.

Dinding-Dinding Dunia Kita 8. Kejahatan Berlatar Benci 9. Coup de Grace 10. Strawberry Fields Selamanya Dari antologi 'Pieces of You', bisa dibilang kalau seluruhnya memang sangat mencitrakan diri Tablo. Kendati latar belakang plotnya kadang menyangkutpautkan cinta tapi cinta yang dimaksud tidak hanya antara lawan jenis, tapi terhadap orang tua, sahabat, dan juga banyak pergelutan masalah orang-orang kota pada umumnya.

Komposisinya sangat urbanis. Pendeskripsiannya pun terlihat sangat egois, Tablo lebih sering menceritakan narasi detail terhadap emosi dan konflik batin seseorang ketimbang latar tempat atau karakteristik dari orang di sekitar si karakter utama. Dan setelah membaca 'Pieces of You' gue menduga kalau buku tersebut memiliki sangkutpaut dengan album Epik High 'Pieces, Part One', dari banyaknya istilah-isitlah yang sama yang digunakan di keduanya, seperti: Icarus dan Pieces of You sendiri mungkin adalah mutasi dari judul lagu: 'Dangshinui Jogakdeul'. Kalau ditanya tentang mana aja cerita yang menurut gue paling bagus? Um, semuanya bisa dibilang bagus.

Tapi, yang membekas hanya tiga. Membekas dalam persepsi gue adalah cerita yang tidak bisa ditebak ujungnya, yaitu 'Adante', 'Menghitung Denyut', dan 'Coup de Grace'. 'Adante' bercerita tentang seorang pianis muda yang kecewa terhadap ayahnya yang terkena Alzheimer. Kesan pertama saat gue membaca, ceritanya sangat dingin dan tua. Melankolis dan penuh dengan rasa kecewa.

Tablo tidak benar-benar menuturkan tentang keadaan seseorang secara gamblang. Tapi, dia membuka satu per satu ciri-ciri penokohan tersebut, sehingga menjadikan ceritanya menarik di akhir, saat pembaca tahu, sebenarnya apa yang terjadi di antara para karakternya. Kalau 'Menghitung Denyut', er. Ceritanya memang agak tricky sih, tapi ada kejutan kecil di belakang. Dan terakhir, 'Coup de Grace', gue suka sekali yang satu ini. Sungguh menggambarkan orang kota saat ini, seorang ayah yang ambisius, penuh problema lantaran istrinya selingkuh dengan saingannya, terlebih ia selalu mencemooh anaknya dengan kata 'pengecut'.

Tapi, di akhir cerita, akhirnya terungkap, siapa yang pengecut sesungguhnya. Well, sebagai penutup, gue pengen membahas tentang cover dan terjemahannya. Kalau soal cover, gue suka, karena penerbit Matahari, tidak mengganti cover ver. Inggris aslinya sehingga cover tersebut tetap mencitrakan isinya dengan sangat mendalam. Dingin (seperti tulisan Tablo):D.

Dan juga gelap seperti nuansa di akhir tiap ceritanya. Tapi, kalau soal terjemahan, gue merasa, ini agak kurang. Banyak kalimat-kalimat yang membingungkan untuk dibaca sehingga kadang gue harus membaca dua kali untuk mengerti apa yang ditulis oleh sang penerjemah. Um, tapi sebelumnya gue emang sempat membaca ver.

Inggrisnya sedikit sih, dan memang Tablo menulis ceritanya seperti kepingan puisi, sehingga banyak kalimat yang agak sulit dimengerti. Kalau untuk diterjemahkan, memang kali ya akan mengalami kekurangan preposisi, dan juga beberapa prefiks dan sufiks. 'Pieces of You' sepertinya bakal menjadi bacaan yang pas untuk temen-temen yang punya hobi membaca kumpulan cerpen Indonesia. Sastranya tetap kuat. Temanya juga sangat jarang ditemukan.

Pieces of You ditulis oleh leader Epik High–salah satu grup hip hop terbaik di Korea Selatan, Daniel Armand Lee atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Tablo. Buku ini terdiri dari 10 cerita pendek yang masing-masing bercerita tentang getirnya hidup. Berikut rangkuman beberapa cerita yang ada dalam kumpulan cerpen ini. Andante, bercerita tentang seorang anak dan sang ayah yang sakit Alzheimer. Keduanya adalah pianis.

Break, cerita terpendek di kumcer ini. Tentang guru yang sedang depresi dan membutuhk Pieces of You ditulis oleh leader Epik High–salah satu grup hip hop terbaik di Korea Selatan, Daniel Armand Lee atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Tablo. Buku ini terdiri dari 10 cerita pendek yang masing-masing bercerita tentang getirnya hidup. Berikut rangkuman beberapa cerita yang ada dalam kumpulan cerpen ini. Andante, bercerita tentang seorang anak dan sang ayah yang sakit Alzheimer.

Keduanya adalah pianis. Break, cerita terpendek di kumcer ini. Tentang guru yang sedang depresi dan membutuhkan liburan. Coup de Grace, cerita paling tragis. Cerpen ini bercerita tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang kutu buku dan dia di-bully oleh ayahnya sendiri karena ayahnya menganggap sang anak lemah.

Strawberry Fields Forever, penutup cerita yang bercerita tentang hal-hal yang berlalu cepat hingga kadang kurang dihargai. Review: Sebagai penggemar cerita yang depresif, kumpulan cerpen yang ditulis Tablo semasa kuliah di Stanford University ini memuaskan seleraku. Penggambaran suasana muram dalam ceritanya dapat banget. Aku hampir bisa melihat dan merasakan asap rokok waktu membaca kumcer ini. Hehe Kesepuluh cerita di Pieces of You ini memang nggak ada yang bahagia, tapi nggak lantas pengin bikin bunuh diri juga. Rasanya kayak berjalan di bawah awan mendung dan dipeluk angin. Kosong, gelap, dingin, tapi setelah hujan reda nanti, semuanya akan kembali seperti semula.

Ceritanya sangat realistis dan menunjukkan sisi gelap dari manusia. Intinya, Tablo bercerita kalau nggak semua hal yang terjadi di dunia ini indah. Baca review lengkapnya di. Bought this book because I'm a fan of Tablo, but when I start reading it, it didn't feel like I'm reading as a fan, but simply as a reader who reads an author's work.

Tablo can describe the situation of youth perfectly. Lost, confusion, anxieties, the dark side of of us where everyone also suffer it. The story was too realistic, so real even it feels like reading a piece of journal. But the strange part is, this book comforts me, telling me that I'm not alone suffering the confusion of youth. Tab Bought this book because I'm a fan of Tablo, but when I start reading it, it didn't feel like I'm reading as a fan, but simply as a reader who reads an author's work. Tablo can describe the situation of youth perfectly. Lost, confusion, anxieties, the dark side of of us where everyone also suffer it.

The story was too realistic, so real even it feels like reading a piece of journal. But the strange part is, this book comforts me, telling me that I'm not alone suffering the confusion of youth. Tablo's writing style is not like mainstream writer where they begin their story with opening, conflict, and a happy ending. He only shows one moment in a story, where we can enjoy as it is. But the story didn't stop there, it gave us some deep metaphor to reflect about our life. I really love the illustration, and my favorite story is coup the grace. Would love to reread this book.