Erich Von Daniken Gods From Outer Space Pdf

Gods From Outer Space. Contents: Scan / Edit Notes. Inside Cover Blurb. About Erich von Daniken. 1 - Interstellar Space Flight is. Download, related book ebook pdf gods from outer space erich von daniken: home wests respiratory physiology the essentials wests social security disability practice.

  1. Kurt Von Daniken

3.5 Stars This is a following book to by the same author. And he sure as hell asks some important questions regarding the visitations of 'gods' in our pre-history. This second book, further provides documentations, speculations and explanations for us to not rule out the question of visitations by aliens pre-historically. This being unproven, the author demands further research be made archaeologically. However, as I see it, this being away from the mai 3.5 Stars This is a following book to by the same author. And he sure as hell asks some important questions regarding the visitations of 'gods' in our pre-history. This second book, further provides documentations, speculations and explanations for us to not rule out the question of visitations by aliens pre-historically.

This being unproven, the author demands further research be made archaeologically. However, as I see it, this being away from the mainstream and the author's involvement in the religious books, seeing and interpreting them literally as nothing but first-hand writings of what we would call as the fantastic, would bound to call on huge controversies if led in this day. That is probably the reason why no research is being conducted on these ideas, (although I do lack the knowledge if any research was conducted on this subject after the writing of this book), and modern scientific investigation has pushed this field into the area of pseudo-sciences. Some of the topics dealt with are eye-openers, and may seem crazy to the narrow-minded: no wonder the relatively lower rating of this book! A question of dilemma comes into my mind, when some dots are connected: Reading a book on a way of living (religious), and at some point reading the contradictory thoughts on what if that same religion was brought down upon this planet by aliens (god or God, whichever be applied, but not Spinoza's God) teaching us the rules of hygiene, medicine and technology.

Erich Von Daniken Gods From Outer Space Pdf

Personally, I feel this is an important book to be read (better if read after its preceding book), not leaving any probability behind of what might have actually been, and that all the peoples of this planet may now be falsely following something that is not. Gods from outer space was one of the craziest, eye opening experiences I've ever gotten from reading a novel. Von Daniken gets more crap from people in the scientific world than I've ever seen any author get, in any genre. There have been many allocations against von Daniken stealing peoples' ideas, thoughts, opinions, hypothesis and much more but none the less I loved this book.

Whether his work or not, he goes into exact detail talking about every single phenomenon in this world today that sci Gods from outer space was one of the craziest, eye opening experiences I've ever gotten from reading a novel. Von Daniken gets more crap from people in the scientific world than I've ever seen any author get, in any genre.

Kurt Von Daniken

There have been many allocations against von Daniken stealing peoples' ideas, thoughts, opinions, hypothesis and much more but none the less I loved this book. Whether his work or not, he goes into exact detail talking about every single phenomenon in this world today that scientifically couldn't have happened in that given time era. There were so many examples I had never even heard of that it made me feel uneducated for a moment. A quick example, he highlights Chile and all of the perfectly shaped spheres that are sporadically placed around the country.

There are many problems with this happening: A. How did ancient humans in the 1800's sculpt a sphere perfectly that was bigger than them without any scientific technology? How in gods name did someone without a car, truck, tractor, crane or any moving vehicle get a ginormous sphere weighing over a ton into the geographical locations that they rest at today?

These aren't just random fields they sit in today. There's one of these huge sphere's at the top of a mountain peak, there's one on a small piece of land that is completely isolated by a rapidly flowing river? Magic powers? I don't think humans have those. It's the details like those that scientifically can't happen based on our laws of physics, gravity and everything else so then my question is, how did it happen?

This book makes me ask myself that with the turn of every page so all in all, I give it a 4 out of 5 just because of the speculation of information fraud. This is a tale of two books. The first half of the book was more speculation on future space travel and von Daniken's opinions on the best vehicle model to travel through space. Some people might enjoy it, but I had a hard time getting through this, as I was hoping for more about the ancient texts, places, and people. That was what I received in the second half, as it dealt with ancient texts, mainly the Mahabharata and the Old Testament. For those people looking for Chariots of the Gods II, thi This is a tale of two books. The first half of the book was more speculation on future space travel and von Daniken's opinions on the best vehicle model to travel through space.


Some people might enjoy it, but I had a hard time getting through this, as I was hoping for more about the ancient texts, places, and people. That was what I received in the second half, as it dealt with ancient texts, mainly the Mahabharata and the Old Testament. For those people looking for Chariots of the Gods II, this is not it, but if you can get past the first half of sci-fi space travel and futuristic speculation, the second half does hold some very interesting ideas and interpretations drawn from the ancient texts mentioned above as well as a few examples drawn from the ancient Greeks. I'm giving this three stars for creativity and imagination, but it is pretty dated now.

Also, I would have preferred if the majority of the book was about the inconsistencies that he writes about for the second half of the book. The first half of the book is about von Daniken's vision for the future of space travel and technology, which, while interesting to follow his thought process 45 years ago, I probably could have done without. That would have been fascinating to read about in 1970, but no I'm giving this three stars for creativity and imagination, but it is pretty dated now. Also, I would have preferred if the majority of the book was about the inconsistencies that he writes about for the second half of the book. The first half of the book is about von Daniken's vision for the future of space travel and technology, which, while interesting to follow his thought process 45 years ago, I probably could have done without. That would have been fascinating to read about in 1970, but not in 2015.


Von Daniken presents a litany of oddities in ruins and in the artifacts found throughout the world and speculates on possibilities that would fit his theory. His theory is that astronauts from other planets visited earth and were responsible for the vast increases in human intelligence and technology over the last several thousand years. He relies primarily on three sources of evidence: large and/or finely cut artifacts that could not have been created using the technology of ancient peoples, artifacts depicting flying machines and people in what look like spacesuits, and ancient texts that describe the 'gods' as descending from the sky. He does a pretty decent job of weaving together evidence from all over the world, though the text can seem both rambling and fragmented at the same time. My two biggest criticisms of this book are the beginning half where von Daniken discusses his vision of the future and his descriptions of artifacts. Rather than give a description of the artifact and then present his speculation about what it could be, he presents his speculation as the description.

I understand that he is attempting to fit all of this evidence to his theory, but some of his descriptions (especially when there aren't any accompanying pictures in some chapters) are lacking in my opinion. All in all, it was interesting to read one of the original ancient astronaut theory books. Von Daniken brings up some good points and asks a lot of questions that not enough people are asking. I like seeing people challenge the 'common' wisdom, which is exactly what von Daniken has done throughout his lifetime.

This is a quick read, so I didn't feel like I wasted a lot of time laboring through some of the weaker sections of Gods from Outer Space. While Chariots of the Gods grabbed my imagination as a 10 yr old. As an adult reading Return to Space I cannot help but notice where he miss represents science ( using the difficulty of using carbon 14 dating on item under 500 yrs old due to accuracy errors that exist over short time lines to throw doubt on the long time line dating using carbon 14 were it is quite accurate with a error range of a couple of hundred years.) to using known faked evidence to embellish his point (eg. The Dropa Stone While Chariots of the Gods grabbed my imagination as a 10 yr old.

As an adult reading Return to Space I cannot help but notice where he miss represents science ( using the difficulty of using carbon 14 dating on item under 500 yrs old due to accuracy errors that exist over short time lines to throw doubt on the long time line dating using carbon 14 were it is quite accurate with a error range of a couple of hundred years.) to using known faked evidence to embellish his point (eg. The Dropa Stone Discs, which were considered a fake even when the book was published in 1972). Still an interesting read as it is a great look at how a far a person will reach to make evidence fit their argument or preconceived idea. I give it 3 out of 5 Ancient Astronauts.